

2009-10-21 12:57   收藏:0 回复:0 点击:5454

  第二篇 在希望中追求灿烂
  舞台下面的灯光渐渐暗了下去,舞台上的绚烂慢慢升起,台前台后一片喧哗,各种声音充斥着节目开始前的安静,当主持人拿着话筒宣布演出开始时,下面趋于了宁静,而舞台后化妆换装显得非常忙碌,“love,你同学来了没?”孟灿边换衣服边说道,“来了吧,说过来看看,我说她们都在,吴玲说多忙都过来的,估计坐旁边的。”“孟菲,你好了没?”“好了,姐,我有些紧张。”“你要紧张我们怎么办?”“是啊,孟菲,咱们姐姐们都是因为你和易夕才来的哦,加油!”“加油!”“下面有请七位大美女和她们的排舞老师,也是我们恩宇市重量级的模特love上场,她们给我们带来的舞蹈是七仙女,有请!”“在她们没有演出前我想先采访一下她们各位!”两位主持人一人一句把整个剧场氛围搅合的相当热闹异常精彩“首先请扮演七仙女最大的姐姐易晨小姐上场!”掌声中易晨走到了舞台中间,“易晨小姐前不久刚参加了恩宇之夜的模特秀,又步入婚姻的殿堂,可谓双喜临门,听说你的大作《天使的亲吻》获得n个奖项,可否和我们各位分享一下你的喜悦。”“前段时间,确实有些光环,不过光环的背后充满着十足的艰辛,这些微薄的成绩都要感谢我现在的老公何磊先生,是他的支持才有我现在的成绩,当然朋友们读者以及领导的鼓励都是功不可没的,所以借此机会谢谢所有给我帮助的朋友们和读者们。”“说真的,我们活动收到你们几个名单时都不敢相信,还以为同名同姓,但一想不可能这么巧,见到人后才知道真的是重量级美女们了。”“这次也是为了支持我的妹妹易夕和她的同学孟菲,在家很少照顾到她,出来帮帮她们这些新时代的孩子也是理所当然的,还望各位多多包涵,如有不满意的地方多多见谅。”台下掌声一波一波的响起,何磊也笑得忘了形,想到自己的黄脸婆总是飞上枝头,不免开心的和jack打闹着以平衡他的激动之情。“扮演第二位仙女的是年轻有为声誉遍及恩宇市的著名青年心理咨询医生孟灿小姐,有请。”“听说你在短短几年时间,把原本不引人注目的心理咨询行业发展到处处都有你的连锁工作室,这可不是一般女子能办到的。”“其实没有什么,当初刚毕业我也很迷茫困惑,每天找工作都很累,最后找了几个月都没结果,我又不想进家族企业,所以就在恩师主课老师的联系下自己去帮助患者解决些难题,后来又遇到一帮死党,他们每个人对我的帮助都是 莫大的,要不是他们也没有我今天的成绩,所以也借用这个机会向他们说声非常感激!”“你的这些死党如果今天在这里的话也会为你感到高兴!”“恩,都来了。”“听说我们的特邀嘉宾孟菲是你的堂妹?”“是的,堂妹社交广阔,她从来没和我提过这里,这次过来也主要是想帮她迈出表演的第一步,说不定以后就有她自己喜欢的行业了。”“她可是我们剧场的小精灵,每次让她出节目都不肯,这次以来就带来你们这一大帮名人,实在是让我们领导喜出望外。”“过讲了,如果她有这个兴趣,还希望你们多多引导她一些,现在在家也是没有目标困惑的样。”“给她提供的空间很大,感谢你能来参与我们的活动。”“谢谢”雷柔飞杨晓雪等人纷纷登场介绍了一番,本来是一上场就表演节目的她们在额外的采访时间都平息了惯来的台前紧张症,易夕和孟菲也把自己调整到最佳状态,当轻柔的音乐缓缓响起,刚退下场的美女们按次序从台后拂袖而前走到另一侧并转身渐渐围成了一个圈,舞蹈动作轻快优美加上表演者个个都是舞台高手,不一会整个剧场轰动了起来,love站在中间充满着神灵般的高贵,带动大家舞动着七彩斑斓的天堂世界,加上服装的精心设计以及装束的得体,一档节目下来台下的所有人都仿似被洗礼般个个精神倍增,神清气爽,也看得陈刚和吴玲异常赞叹,明显感觉到美女的分量是多重,而且不仅仅是一个美女,也不仅是美女而已,本身还具备着常人难以达到的工作业绩,专业学术性格内涵等等等等。
  "Lifetime," second piece "Dream of the brilliant mind trip"
  Second in hope to pursue a brilliant
  Lights on the stage shaking 5 Yen 10 color photos in the large room inside the theater, every corner was all full of beautiful romantic feeling of people go into the door after another has 32 individual officers out seats to sit a short while to watch the performances are full of people, love led seven beautiful theater in the first row sat waiting for the arrival time of cosmetic facelift, allowing Meng Fei expect to see their models show Leirou flying scenes, a thrilling again Meng Xi from the feeling of excitement, and even sat next to her, Yi Xi has also been aware of, "Are you nervous?" "Well, a little bit, you are the master, I am confident, but not much." "last time you They envy my sister is just like an angel, and now you faster into a fairy, and is not very enjoyable, do not want other enough. "" Yes ah began just want to play, now that so many people, this attitude , and my heart with the fear. "" The youngest of seven fairy, but a lot of investors are expecting, and you have major responsibilities for Oh, love sister teach you remember to use the trick. "" If I did not faint in the past tense, I think I will do a good job. "" Nothing, if you feel barely grasped my hand, I grasp my sister's hand, so to give each other strength, dance movements can be changed a little bit more. "" Xiao Xue, you see the middle row of left the position, one who is not your photographer. "Shen Lan Meng Fei, then interrupted the dialogue easy evening, several beauty after another look back at the middle position, attracted a large rear surprise acoustic sound of praise . "Turned his head and not seen a lot of looking back!" Love the reminder letting you turn your head to be quiet and so approach the voice of make-up, the back to allow easy morning to see Lei and his few employees, Rou-Fei met jack and david, YANG Xiaoxue smiled and looked at us, said the photographer, Shen Lan also see a few good looking men sitting in the middle, introduced by Meng-Tsan Chiang not know until that Cai, Xu-feng, Zou Jian-fei, the hearts can not help but float a bit, love to see Meng-Tsan Chiang's husband, Yang Qi-line holding his daughter and his month to her husband Chen Huagang chatted days, it gently with a smile, and love the softly reminded, Meng-Tsan Chiang know his first love is also her boyfriend came here not help but feel that some fluctuations, after the stage to see the staff come to love to take everyone into the background, several people stood up and took it and got a clothing one by one walked to the corner of the door --
  The following stage lights gradually dim down, gorgeous on the stage slowly rose, the front of the podium, after a noisy, filled with the sounds of the quiet before the program starts, when the host took the microphone announced the show began, the following tends to the quiet, but the stage make-up facelift it is very busy, "love, you have students come yet?" while changing clothes while Meng-Tsan Chiang said, "to the bar and said come look at, I said, they were all there, WU Ling said how busy all over, estimated to sit next to. "" Meng Fei, how are you in yet? "" Well, Sister, I am a little nervous. "" You want to stress how do we do? "" yes ah, Meng Fei, let's sisters because of easy evening before you come Oh, refueling! "" Go! "" Here are invited seven great beauty and their Dance teacher, is also our ex-yu love playing city of heavyweight models, they give us with a The seven fairies to dance, there is please! "" No pre-performance in their first interview I would like to look at them to you! "The two host a one-person theatrical atmosphere of the whole stirred together in a lively exception wonderful" first of all to play seven biggest fairy sister easy to miss the morning to play! "applause Yi Chen reached the middle of the stage," Ms. Chen Yi has just recently participated in the model ex-yu night show, then went to the marriage hall can be described as happiness, I heard that your masterpiece "angel's kiss" to obtain n awards, can you share with us your joy. "" time ago, does have some halo, but halo behind filled with full hard, these modest achievements must thank my husband now Mr. He Lei, was his support only the results I am now, of course, friends, and leadership to encourage the reader are contributed, so take this opportunity to thank you all for giving me help friends and readers. "" said the true , and a few of our activities to receiving your list could not believe, I thought the same name, but one can not be a coincidence want to see people before they know the beauty of the really heavy-weight. "" This is also in order to to support my sister and her classmates Yi Xi Meng Fei, rarely at home to take care of her, out of the new era of their Bang Bang is also a natural child, but also hope I may be excused, if not satisfied with lot forgiven. "Taiwan Under the waves of applause sounded, Lei He also forgot to smile-shaped Huang Lianpo always think of my fly onto a tree branch and bound to jack slapstick fun with in order to balance his excitement. "Act as a second fairy is young and the reputation of a well-known all over the city, ex-yu youth counseling doctor Miss Meng Can there please." "I heard that you in just a few years time, were originally excluded from high-profile psychological counseling development of the industry to your chain of studios everywhere, this is not the general women can be accomplished. "" There is nothing that when I am also very confused recently graduated confused every day looking for work tired, finally found a few On no result, I do not want into the family business, so the main subject in the mentor teacher's contact of the patients themselves to help solve these problems, and later met a bunch of buddies, each of them is indeed a great help to me, we must Today, I was not they did not result, so have to use this opportunity to say a very grateful! "" These diehard, if you are here today, then you will be happy! "" TU, had come. "" Listen say that our guest Jiabinmengfei is your cousin? "" Yes, cousin broad social, and she never did, and I mentioned here, this time round also was mainly trying to help her perform the first step towards that indefinite future the industry will have her own love of. "" She's our little theater wizard, each program are not willing to let her out of this since you brought this large group of celebrities, it is to delight our leadership . "" Cross talk, if she has this interest, but also hope that you will guide her some lots, and now home to no kind of confused objectives. "" to give her the space provided great, thank you for participating in our activities. " "Thank you" Leirou flying YANG Xiaoxue and others have introduced some debut, was originally a play on the performances of their interviews in the extra time put down to the front of the stage used to stress disorder, easy Xi, and Meng Fei also put their own adjustments to the best condition, when the soft music slowly sounded, ending the beauty who has just retired to Taiwan, Fu Xiu turn from the other side of the former walk, and gradually turned into a Circuit ring, light and graceful dance movements with the performers every one of the stage master, a short while up the entire theater sensation, love stand in the middle filled with divine elegance like to drive you dance with colorful bright-colored paradise of the world, coupled with well-designed clothing, as well as the decent attire, a stall Show off all of the audience seem like everyone in the baptism of the spirit has been doubled, refreshing, but also see Chen Gang and Wu Ling unusual praise, obviously felt the weight of beauty are multiple, and not just a beauty, are not only beautiful just by itself also has an ordinary job performance difficult to achieve, professional character of academic content and so on and so forth.
  Meng Fei excited after playing, which she has never had the experience, a floating feeling accompanied by the pace of her fluttering like to move forward with Chen Gang and WU Ling really has praised her about it, to see old school love is solicitous, easy-Lei's arm hanging on the morning walk in the crowd happy, jack is also pulled the hand soft fly happy walking, david, and YANG Xiaoxue Shen-lan chat up, head-on encounter a smiling face, it is the followers of Chen YANG Xiaoxue white-year photographer, Meng-Tsan Chiang Yang holding the age of two months immediately following the footsteps of her husband walked to the front, almost lost in the feeling that a familiar face, thought control has long been married to Ming Qiang having children have no hope in that direction, Meng Fei cousin of first love to see passing look at the smile unconscious husband did not say anything, but pulled Xi Yi talked himself happy feeling, Meng-Tsan Chiang's Several buddies and love walking in front of the junction was about to block a taxi driver Fang Weiqiang Chen Gang, said the company is to drive here, so we wait a moment, and go for dinner and then ordered a large ktv rooms had pledged to take good We know each other old friends meet to celebrate the joy, in the same proposal, the project should first go to Entertainment City to eat buffet while singing, and then eat hot pot.
  Line of 22 individuals talking and walked to the Casino, the luxurious hall, bright and clean a few windows, artistic decorations, smiling service, brisk pace, the feeling of happiness were all hit enter go there a screen, the screen, there are 7 fairy and a Xianshi shadow, with their family, friends, mentor, there are drivers Fang Weiqiang, Chen Meng-Tsan Chiang white-year and an assistant!
  "Meng-Tsan Chiang sister, you are such a young age when his mother, and really do not see it." Yi Xi would like to go to her studio work in their own things, but do not know how to open, then shoot the Mapi. "When you see young, but age and your sister are not nearly ah!" "Oh, lovely Aria of good." "Now I drag a child, where not easy!" "If you had not said that those who do not know you is two years old child's mother. "" Meng-Tsan Chiang her husband's brother's family had given birth to a pair of twins. "" Really ah. "" Well, did not take long just born. "Yi Xi topic did not look away by her state of mind Beverages will be carrying his sister came around, "how it? an unhappy expression." "Nothing, strange, boring, and I went to go chat with david big brother, his most funny people happy again." "To know the Business Planning not? "" Well, know. "easy evening walk, when, david has been sitting around with a lot of people, listened to his chatted for sale is really very happy, love close to them in the Chen Huagang around and Cai separation of a few people talk about work things, a short while, and Wu Ling Chen Gang, also walked over to know the living conditions of some love, Meng Fei Yang from his sister holding hands on her non-stop to coax Douzhuo happy, YANG Xiaoxue side from david Chen Bai, Shen Lan walked away years of around chatting, Leirou fly Meng-Tsan Chiang Yi-chen inadvertently sat down together, Lei, and jack still have lots to talk as if coupled with Qi-line intervention, a time of three of the excited talk , Meng-Tsan Chiang Fang Weiqiang assistant and keen to talk while drinking side of the end david Xi Yi is only a listener, but also made what he said flowery as eloquent.
  "In the future my sister would want you to an easy evening." "All right, after waiting for her in my uncle, after the familiar when I let go my assistant, I was missing an assistant to two is enough." "Xi Yi Ting Yes, actively motivated is also very cute, then it must surely go to Meng-Tsan Chiang leaps and bounds. "" If as you have said, I will not worry at home on her youngest, now I help her not let that must move to Bao-ping apartment, said that to be independent. "" Today's kids think more before, and we do not also true of that generation. "" Yes ah, have almost! "
  Shen Lan see YANG Xiaoxue and Chen Bai-year talk very speculative, they excuse the bathroom to avoid the two men, watching a group of people chatted a bunch of days off when the find Shui meditating up, Meng Fei Yang holding on in front of everyone 4 swinging, Xu-Feng Shen Lan will be inadvertently seen carrying his wine glass to go away, coupled to both sides introduced each other, the topic inevitably hooked investment matters, easily fly to see the morning Leirou Shen Lan and YANG Xiaoxue are steeped in the pleasure The dialogue, depending on which phase can not help but smile, Meng-Tsan Chiang to see love beckoned she prodded walked past, past friends reunited, joy can be imagined.
  "You have a twin brother do?" Jack asked. "Well, my brother called Yang Qilong, I Qi-line, long ago my brother gave birth to twins at home again" "amazing" "twin gene, Meng-Tsan Chiang heard your brother was introduced, and how to marry you?" "I do not know, foolishly get married, and now has two years of the Aria. "
  Meng Fei Yang holding on Yi Xi, and david went to play around with, listening to jokes Shaleng david lots to talk about for a long time to see Yang look dated cry went Meng-Tsan Chiang will be holding her side, took Xiao Cai month and Zou Fei Dou Zhe her, Meng-Tsan Chiang, and love chatting other people's business, see Meng Fei sitting next to, they then turn on her.
  "Meng Fei, or else teach you model and dance, I Chen Gang, the couple may all your good guide Oh." "Yes ah, cousin, love is a model and an actor performing Reds, coupled with his wife Chen Gang, , next you do not wish to engage in red are not performing the road line, with heaven and earth and everything. "" I am also considering, theater side of the teachers also pay much for me. "" So many people want to help you, Oh, you have to seize the opportunity. "" yes, thank you teacher, I am a little bit to adjust a few days and my sister said to you when the trouble will happen in Romania. "" No problem, you go there, we learn, all free of charge. "Gang couples think of to find the rookie, he broke all the school programs to recruit Meng Fei, lvoe is intended to cultivation Meng Fei, also issued an invitation to a time they felt the floating leisurely Meng Fei's own, so the feeling is very America beautiful.
  Yi Xi Meng Fei heard about to become a performing asset, thought of himself will usher in a promising future and can not help but cheer sang a song, breaking free musical accompaniment voices, songs david pull soft fly to dance, jack look to summon the palm, Lei Chen's hands holding easy to walk up and talk to people close to Wang Pangbian moving the body, leaving the middle of a spacious dance floor, a short while YANG Xiaoxue and Chen Bai-year, Shen Lan and Xu Ming-feng, Chen Gang and WU Ling have roaming the middle of the dance floor to enjoy the charm of the music.
  "Jian-Fei, your work is a smooth bar!" "As usual, nine to five, the sterile. Want to love like you holding hands with her daughter visiting the ah." "Not like starting a family earlier it?" " did you not marry me, and now once again running a good girl. "" many are, but you are one step too late, you see people more active Xu Feng. "" Let a few left in me and Cai bachelor. "" Yi Xi, and Meng Fei is too small, not suitable for introducing to you, but you have conditions require too high, others did not dare to climb up a good girl ah! "" How can ah. "" If an early meeting, maybe someone YANG Xiaoxue also will choose the one of you. "" yes ah, Brief Encounter, but now people unofficially crowned, and we were both just do a hurry. "" will find a better, do not worry. "
  Meng-Tsan Chiang and two friends talking all the time, Yang Qi-line holding is also dancing on up, oh, Meng Fei Yi Xi happy singing a song after another in the first high-spirited passion, Fang Weiqiang, and Meng-Tsan Chiang assistant had never stopped drinking wine chat, Chen Gang, drove all night, did not count on him, but also did not warn him not to drink too much, watching the two men talked about the hand, foot, and dance, WU Ling-Chen Gang, before looking at the sweet smile.
  Yi Xi unusually busy to see us dance is also very bright smile, he looked at his smile and good partners Meng Fei chorus with, do not know when jack replaced david, david Yang holding the age of two months to go to their Huazhizhaozhan over, everyone amused laughter full house. ktv in the boxes everywhere covered with the taste of food, and some mixed drinks and beer taste which corner of the table filled with empty bottles and cups, what kind of feeling in the air has most is happiness and joy taste!
  Came out of the pot full of three tables basically had no food how Dongkuai, everyone insisted on the stomach from time to time eat eat drink go to the bathroom, david considered the most easily digestible, to run back and forth a dozen times, kicking up clouds of Bangladesh Philip thought he was not easy Xi diarrhea to see if he is also kind of like sick, they persuaded him to eat some spicy things, so fruit bowl again put a table, Fang Weiqiang look at the three dishes on the table, moved a little, would perhaps come to waiter to pack, to see him walking crooked appearance, Meng-Tsan Chiang told the assistant to send him home at night, a group of people had their own called a taxi, let Yi Yi Chen, and Lei Xi go back together, Meng Philippines says to accompany Yi Xi Bao-ping apartment one night stay will be sent off two people, YANG Xiaoxue already invisible, look nor Chen Bai-year figure is estimated that two men slipped away earlier, Shen Lan, and Xu Feng walking in the crowd is still behind the laughter of the spoke, then it is also called the Jiantaijiadou boarded taxis Everyone makes their own farewell to Fei Zou for his two brothers went there, gradually dark night, and all the noisy moment to become quiet.
  Bao-Ping apartment lights still lit to see the time 11:30, there is a half-hour away from the apartment closing time, several supermarket overnight walk to 10 minutes, Meng Fei Yi Xi has been pulled to a nearby shop and bought some water and snacks, to return to the home when they heard the iron gate outside an administrator locks the voices of two girls, Tang Chuangshang after finishing a good chat with the face of imminent came a promising future and can not help but secretly had something Qiexi , with the help of so many people, does not want to do something will not work, the key is easy to Chen and Meng-Tsan Chiang two sister's contacts too much weight, no matter from what point of view, Yi Xi have felt the love of kinship and friendship It is no substitute for, looking at her the same happiness Meng Fei, the hearts of joy welled eyebrows.
  "In the future, etc. I love when the sister, like red, it is estimated you and me cousin almost." "There is the example of many beautiful older sister, two of us must do something because as otherwise also I'm sorry let's himself. "" Well, The waves are generally pushed forward waves, the first waves beat on the beach. "" It's not to say, but I hope that the sisters and backgammon to do. "" You're really cute Baby Sister home, I am most like children again. "" You have to estimate when she was a Sister bar! "" did not watch out, but咱parents hurried, and fear of childbirth in poor health to the sister. "" do not know jack soft fly sister and students baby is Shayang? "" mixed-blood are generally special handsome!! "" Do you think my cousin that they gang friends Zeyang? "" Yes ah, I like Cai "" You do not tell me that you fancy Cai fai. "" eyes on is normal, although because of the cousin told him to face his brother, but like it or still love. "" Halo, we are both crazy, and if being let's sister know, I really do not know that they will be react. "" We are still very small, so the feeling is too unreal, and so on and you talk, the opportunity to meet with them next I doubt that there will not be, they still put the cause first, and love the third row. "" You can have such a reason can be considered progress, and sleep! "
  Chen Bai-year look at the night, we played with unusual joy, quietly YANG Xiaoxue call out, the two walk hand in hand in the street on the road gradually leaning together, do not know when, pedestrians almost no shadow, think of all the estimated finish at a all back home, will not be willing to send YANG Xiaoxue back home, bid farewell to the way Chen Bai-year bare sweet smile, a love rooted in this warm and had the signs of germination.
  Shen Lan Gang Daojia sister to escape the issue, holding cell phone to YANG Xiaoxue telephoned to ask how she has not disappeared, that Shen Lan Xu Feng a bit of feeling in the side of the sister are also some pleasant surprise appearance, thought is about to into the marriage hall, my sister finally have their own sweetheart, can not help but happy to listen to her and YANG Xiaoxue dialogue.
  "Before, people never talk about it and my speculation is estimated to be experiencing a bosom friend." "Well then, if feels good to take advantage of the, missed, missed, would never come, let's have never been smaller, is the end of the single again. "" But he also returned Xilv, Nanbu Cheng I resigned in the past ah. "" If you have the possible development, he also has this requirement, in the past then why not? "" This will not be sorry soft fly, after all, she introduced me to the Lei's. "" No, Lei and a soft fly to see you have your favorite people, reluctantly must sell and will let you go, but you have to face a new environment, you had better consider the good. "" This I know, and now no one write-eight-character, but there is nothing psychologically prepared, yes, you and the photographer that the successful development of it? "" make do "" I hope you and I can successfully seize the his own love about her. "" En "" late, are worn out, rest it, talk another day. "" Well, good night. "
  Lei Shen Lan received the resignation of all time, it was about half a year after they get the time, everyone sensed that the atmosphere of love and then close to the two people, Shen Lan's sister is also smoothly into the marriage, she Parents know that she finally has its own favorite people do not have much desire for her to go Xilv things about her all reported a supportive attitude, Meng-Tsan Chiang Ming-feng in every possible way is to explain, so that he must let Shen Blue lead a happy life, YANG Xiaoxue and Chen Bai-year marriage is also available to the public, watching the happy sisters, Xi, and Meng Fei Yi sweet fantasy with his love, leaving only two lonely Zou Fei and Cai, but not lonely figure, bid farewell to the day of love looked at Shen Lan Cang Yang Cai did not return, then made a "decision not to return to a chang-yang?" "off period and then take a look at" "En-yu a great room for development here, Cai brother Cang Yang back more than being insipid. "Yi Xi Meng Fei's mind to know will be a strong desire to stay in the En-yu Cai. "" I want to stay ah, but you have the Lord of these sisters, and I'm looking for they are not being repaired. "" There I accompany you to a single, "Zou said the flight also." If one does not mind, bored, when a call went out on me and Meng Fei to play better. "Yi Chen and Meng-Tsan Chiang watching two lovely sister, smile, Yang Qi-line holding over farewell to catch up on the train had just set foot on the Shenyang-lan," Yes, your husband do not have to go to work ah? "Easy morning looking at the Qi-line asked." He is now promoted to director of law firm, although we work overtime to complete more than a single, and I let him rest, just wishes to take the time to accompany me and daughter. "Meng-Tsan Chiang's words to hear the presence of beauty are the envy of a good long time, YANG Xiaoxue always thought that the morning is a wonderful thing easily the happiest woman, because Lei, but now letting her well-being of Meng-Tsan Chiang found that no one can really and, standing next to her, Chen Bai years may be aware, was worried of manpower to hold her and seem after another told her he would love such a special affection for her, which scenes see Meng Fei and Yi Xi Yilengyileng, exceptionally moving, thinking this is what kind of era, why are so Chongqing Shigeyoshi person is indeed a rare one of a rare class of persons.
  Soon YANG Xiaoxue and Chen Bai-year, Shen Lan, and Xu Feng was caught in a marriage hall, immediately following the morning is easy, and Lei child's birth, jack to help him took the English called henny Henry, and help that they have born a two-month daughter named jenny Jenny and suggest the significance of siblings, two children Chinese names of the respective years and Lei Lili, while Yang is a four month little beauties, people will see the sweet cried uncle and aunt , Meng Fei one to run in the past day weekend Xi Yi received her play here.
  Yi Xi Bao-ping in the apartment has been particularly used to live in, coupled with the smooth entry of Meng-Tsan Chiang studio, so come on the month to see Yang fallen in love with, looking at the little-known Meng Fei, joy can be imagined, would like to like two years ago, still confused confused the two, and now firmly on the future of the eyes filled with longing for a better future, david Quliaolaopo also do not know when, Yi Zou Xi know this before they find out is to fly to help him on colleagues, people have been watching your favorite single, easy-Xi-Yi morning to tell her sister, thinking, Meng-Tsan Chiang Yi-chen finished listening to feel astonished shock, but was worried that it is not proper, after all, Zou Jian-Fei Xi Yi several large year-old did not say, but also because the evening's sister Yi Yi Chen, Yi-chen despite the lip service some dissatisfaction, but who also love this sort of thing Zuobulezhu, just want to inquire about Zou Meng-Tsan Chiang can fly in the end what was happening, if we can hope He could more easily take care of take care of before, if not what it meant, I hope that he can use a number of ways to tell Yi Xi, let her give up a certain look, here Meng-Tsan Chiang was bruised and battered, and Zou not know how to fly communication, but inexplicably felt cousin Meng Fei he gave to her total in the Cang-Cai Yang thing, a kind of doubt gradually hit into her mind, thought Yi Xi, and Meng Fei do not know when to have her two diamond bachelor's singles friends, can not help but ponder up , Qi-line see her wistfully asked a 12, but kept in the dark of the Zou Fei and Cai still go its own way, traveling all over the country busy career, see there is no suitable girls, have been temporarily shelved down, inadvertently listening Meng-Tsan Chiang hint to the phone, some Yunliwuli think of Meng Fei and easy evening two little girls practice after two years of efforts have abnormal superior, can not help but remember that the appearance had been together, "two girl so good about her. "Zou flying non-stop drinking, he heard Meng-Tsan Chiang Yi Xi Ti Mengfei something strange, that Meng-Tsan Chiang proud to be gained from constantly exaggerated, so, and you do not want too much, Meng-Tsan Chiang flew to see Zou no great understanding of, directly lay bare the two names. "My cousin like Cai you know?" "Ah would not it, not in the Cang-Cai Yang En-yu 2 running, Shashi Hou and your cousin to go near again." "I did wonder ah, so call you to ask Cai side of the dynamic and static. "" He, ah, like me, a single forward, and Cai than I am lucky, at least at long last, like, I no some people like. "" Who says no. "Meng-Tsan Chiang Yi Xi almost say, like him, but did not want to direct. "Nanbu Cheng, your change of heart again." "Halo, like where, and I'm the mother of four children." "Then I would know who had." Meng-Tsan Chiang, see Zou fly nor mention something about two girls, simple give an account of the Meng Fei Cai Fei Zou sense to pay attention to something on the hung up the phone.
  Meng Fei Cai individual invitation has been received two weeks, when the ex-yu Cai was going to purchase some items, to listen to, said Meng Fei Fei Zou good opinion of him, how he did not believe, after listening to Zou Meng Fei said that it was Can personally sue him, and have a bit skeptical, and a business trip I made to about the Meng Fei, would like to talk face to face. "Your cousin recently okay!" By Cai Meng Fei for the first time a separate invitation to think about the things he asked cousin, they embarrassed themselves, psychological cousin, told him to estimate what the surface is still an exception, but calm, "Now there are two proud cousin assistant, still a beauty!" "Oh, do you? busy, busy with work?" "okay, Fei A fly a day, activities, one after another, habits, and right , and you have not thought about on the left ex-yu. "Cai Meng Fei did not intend to think about two years ago, asked this question before it was just a kind of sympathize with the feeling of a girl, after all, Meng Fei's cousin, is his most good friends, and now again faced with this problem, coupled with Zou Fei and his mention of the things that can not help muttering the phrase, "Nanbu Cheng Is that true?" "What are you thinking? ask you whether or not to return to En-yu, you do not encounter any false things? "" Oh, no, just think of a friend to say take a god, cup of tea to drink. "Meng Fei Cai Duanzhaochabei waiting to answer her question, See there is no response, and somewhat unhappy. "Oh, do not angry, I want to return to En-yu, but temporarily does not have a proper plan to tackle the bar is good, but often came to this, the time you go to Chong Yang play this game." "Next week, yo orphan activities in the Cang Yang , when the time to find you. "Cai told the past week Meng Fei Yang Cang Huang Leshen also surprised that two people chatting random things in life, and Meng-Tsan Chiang family, etc., etc., did not mention is that the only easy Zou Xi also like to fly thing, Meng Fei Cai has not yet made it clear she's feeling, not arbitrarily do not want to turn to another love, above the finished tea and ate, to the station to send Cai, Meng Fei to the Yi Xi-playing phone, went to Bao-ping apartment.


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