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作者: 贝蒂香香 收藏:0 回复:0 点击:4059 发表时间: 2009.08.18 03:36:01

《幽 灵》//《香草玫瑰》

   原创作者:贝婷棻子  
     人物:1 哈文鹏/顾彩蒂/沈雅晴/沈柏鹤/九个/香舞大学人员19人
   2 香草玫瑰筛选人物28人到香舞大学 
  幽 灵
   晴朗的天空中,洁白的云聚集到了一起,云的上面漂浮很多天使失去的翅膀,每个翅膀各坐了一个梦的种子,梦的种子都特别灵巧,他们都全神贯注的 看着正对它们说话的梦的王子。
  梦ONE 青春
  梦TWO 情敌
  梦THREE 情人
  “你怎么过来了” “我看你不熟悉就自己从小学校穿过来了哦” “我都要哭了,刚刚那两个阿姨好凶”天使说话的时候有点委屈又怕被前面两个人听到所以很小声的嘟噜着。 “好了,不用难过了,我带你去个地方” “哪里” “去了就知道了” 天使走到自行车边,“你骑车过来的啊,正好我带你” “好的” 说完天使便坐到江骑自行车后面很快乐的微笑着。
  梦FOUR 失去
  梦FIVE 演唱会
  “那你注意安全” “好的”天使使劲向舞台跑去,天使的妈妈在她后面大声叫她小心点。
  梦SIX 漫游
  “哦,总统您好,因为经常在电视报纸上看到你,听说你是一个特别平易见人的总统,所以我走着走着就过来了。”天使也不知道从哪里冒出来上面的话,不过总统却笑了,他对身后的一男一女年轻的人说,“让她和我坐一辆马车,你们坐后面一辆。” “可是---”男的有点犹豫,但也没说什么,就跟在天使总统后向外面马车边走去,女的也跟在后面和他上了后面的马车。
  梦SEVEN 乞丐
   大街上,一个很大的广场边,天使和她的几个同事在一起,但她的同事们都用很大很大的锅在吃饭喝汤。天使走了过去,问她的同事“我可不可以喝点你的汤,我好象有点饿了?” “你自己不能去买啊。”天使的同事边喝汤边把汤倒在了路上,她们的语气百分百轻蔑。顺着汤流失的方向,天使看见了木。
  “那你男朋友了” “不知道” “那你知道什么啊?”
  “ 我只知道我好饿,好想吃点东西----”天使说完便饿晕了,梦彻底结束了!
   最高的大厦,最深的大海都进入了幽灵的视线中,同时天使的身影也进入他的视线中。幽灵甜甜的笑了一下便飞到了大厦的附近,到了顶层的时候,整座大厦电路微微颤动,紧接五六个人加一个隐形人飞快的向楼顶跑去。隐形人已经感觉到幽灵,他第一个想到去底层,便让其余的人一起飞速的又向楼下跑去。幽灵拿到钥匙的时候隐形人正好开门,隐形人看不见幽灵,幽灵等隐形人进到里面的时候从他侧面门口走去。出门的瞬间,他流了泪。隔着眼镜,隐形人还是意识到他的存在,便快步向门口追去,只见大厦门口驶来了一辆出租车里面刚出来三四个政界人事,幽灵很快速进去了关了车门,车已经开动。“请问去哪里,先生 ?”
  “你能看见我吗?” 幽灵看着车上并没有人坐,但他对这个男孩平静的语气感到吃惊“你不害怕?”
   Clear sky, white clouds gathered together, floating above the clouds have lost a lot of angels wings, each wing had a dream of sitting seeds, the seeds of dreams are particularly clever, they are preoccupied with the watch are talking to them The dream prince.
   Dream Prince left both hands a small box, his right hand took a gold bar, he looked pleasant personality moderate, saw his right hand around the golden rod and handed the small seeds, and gently open the left hand in the small box, one will be a group blue show in front of everyone, then the Prince is more than a dream pleasurable voiceless.
  "Owner, whether the implementation of the mandate of my time?" Dream seeds were all exposed Xing Wei smile.
  "Ghost, this time to let you stay in small boxes garden has been very wronged you, and now, as you said, is the completion of your mission time."
  "Master, I do not feel aggrieved, but for you in the rain, take me to your side, and gave me the rest of the house, I really do not know the fate of the how, at that time I have lost."
  "It's nothing, but this time you go out, the only note that the son of your past life is the rain, so sometimes obscure tears, and once you cry in the daytime, when human beings and see your face, so that will not only scared them, and sometimes met you also have a similar risk. "finish the dream begins with the Prince took a box at the bottom of the Deputy small glasses, followed by several times bigger," this pair of glasses to wear slightly cover your tears, However, there are still faint Jisi Mirage, they must be vigilant of your tears, try not to go out during the day. The main task of your access to other people's dreams at night to steal six of the most classic stories, so that the kingdom of dreams the seeds inside are well aware of each in the field of human mentality that is harmonious, carefully whether the good, interaction with others is moderate, equal. "
  "Master, I will certainly make you satisfied with the Liu Gemeng to find, but I want to know my future fate!" Green illusion and a silhouette thirties, standing before the expression of urgent dream prince.
  "Many Lives, Many of you only when it rains will there is life, heaven gave me instructions, next life you will become a human, but wait for you to collect Liuge Meng, I will tell you how to change your fate."
  "Thank you, master, I will use the fastest speed of the most successful side of the story back to you."
  "Well, you can go to mortal, and I wish you good luck!" Dream Prince finished green on the drifting of the earth, the seeds of dreams were all missing from the wings of angels in the clouds on the jump to the specter of waving hope his early return, "and then --- see ---"
   During the day he is invisible is invisible, but he knew he would be unwarranted tears, so he is not only wearing a very big glasses could cover half his face, and he was never close to human beings of any one person, Sometimes he would stand boring spacious streets, and from the vehicle before and after death the body of his passing, and sometimes he would stand on top of the building to see a small park on the land of trees, houses and every one to walk and objects, and sometimes he would go to the U.S. Sometimes he would go to England but in the end he found his favorite is China, he was particularly fond of China's Yellow River and the sea, and sometimes he would feel standing on the sea surface on the sea, together with the wind blowing on him every a place of refreshing and soft. However, he prefers the night life, because he let him remember the fate of Liu Gemeng thing, when he was loitering in a variety of life during the day tired, he becomes obsessed with the implementation of his mandate, in particular, serious to greet the coming night. At night he would become a girl, he does not know why his day and the night, he is totally like, the day he is a wild mature man is also thirties shape, but at night he has become the a girl, character behaved quiet, Wenruo, cute, angel illusion twenties, but he did not consider so much the company immediately to enter someone else's dream ----
  ONE Dream Youth
   Cloudless sky, surrounded by thousands of miles beyond the sound, the clear river water, stream for a very long, river side is a dense green forest, on the other side is a handsome hill. The river are inundated with a boat ride on board five young people, 3 handsome guy two beautiful women, aged 20-23 years old, the ship from the middle of the river fled to the hills. A ship sitting in the middle of a quiet woman, another woman splashing in the stern, the bow, three men holding a slurry of the designated non-stop, by the middle men sat on one side draw the front and on the other side stood a man paddling the pulp.
   Ghost do not know how to give them five position, do not know their own names, then so he called the girls sitting in the middle of a quiet angels, three men, river, lake, mountain, and the other for women wood, so he knew a dream what had happened.
   Angel sat in a quiet boat, river close to her recently, in front of the lake, and the other is the mountain, while the wood has been splashing, nor to speak with everyone. Lake looked back from time to time an angel smile, he wore a dark blue suit, his smile is very light, and light flavor of the intoxicated people, full of youthful attractiveness of the most attractive, but the angel indifferent. Chiang Mai sat paddling power in the hands of pulp, turned around and kept silent angels torrent of said, and he wore a gray one meters casual wear dark pants. Hill, if not many, occasionally called the stern careful of wood, wood has been playing to amuse the clear river water, do not bother anyone else, she wore a light cyan's sportswear, for a while they landing of the!
   Lake the first one asking for the first disembarkation disembarked to mix angel, Jiang and mountains on both sides of the lake jump to land on the rickety wooden side from the stern came to his companions, then under the boat. Angels and wood sunglasses worn out from their bag on the face. Lake walk in the front, wood, and Angel slowly trailing in the post, Jiang and the middle of mountain walking side by side. Hill is not high, but Everywhere are exquisite, the highest point there is a mountain pavilion, they climbed to the top of the pavilion will be sat inside, wood throughout the body in the seat, the pillars on the back pavilion eyes stare, the angels do not sit for two minutes will be attracted walked past an alley, river and mountain was too tired to sit without moving, the angel behind the lake with the seven-step away.
   They came to a temple in front of the angels and lakes do not speak, but quietly went to the temple inside the lake also got to go, five minutes after the river, wood, mountain looking over, with them down the hill, wake up a!
  TWO rival Dream
   Big garden, luxurious house, a warm room, Lake's mother lying in bed, an angel sitting on a stool near the bed. Lake's mother his hair white, and the angel that she did not say a word, the Angels have only seen her own sweet smile once she was no reasonable, and the angels did not say nothing. Lake came to the angel said, while a friend to come, the Angels saw the lake's mother heard these words smiled, "to a friend Who are you?" Angel like.
   Wood is very generous room door came from the lake's mother sat down beside the bed, angels see the wood and lakes have lots to talk about her mother, then the angels feel is superfluous, even the lake is no longer to him. Lake's mother called the edge of lakes and trees, said a few words come to the lake edge will come to an angel, he said: "The angel, Mom gave you a few pieces of clothes, I want to go out for a while and wood, you can go back to can also be accompanied will be my mother. "
   Angel holding a lake fed to the clothes, with the lake and wood out of the courtyard in a trance.
  "My mother likes you," Lake and Wood Lake on the wood out of the courtyard, then into the ears of angels.
  "Is it? I really like your mother. But the angel?"
  "She? Me and she did what she likes to come to see my mother, as she啦!" If the lake is still entered the ears of angels, "Yes, I have a gift to give to you," Lake said that to hear an angel gift, that gift is to buy an angel sent to the lake, but why the lake will be sent to a wood. Angels in the hands of clothes fell to the ground, he seemed to see the lake looked back to her one brings a faint and wood of the dialogue. Lake's mother inside the room without any sound, like an angel still be stuck in the ground also can not move as a step, she saw the river passed through her line of sight, she stopped him, and woke up again!
  THREE Dream Lover
   Metropolis, the angel's mother drove an open-air cars with Angel and Angel's brother fled from the city center to the house, middle of the road when the Angels received a Valentine's calls.
  "Mom. Jiang is about to meet me, I would like to get off"
  "Jiang ah, yes, come back early" angel's brother off from the trunk where the bike moved down a little angel on the front, "to come back early,"
  "Good" angel riding his bicycle has not finished, it is far from seeing her mother's car to drive to an invisible distance. Road or hidden or are passing through a large park, an ancient university, crowded streets, but the Angels can not find the road, she pulled out a map from a parked bicycle bag, careful inspection of the local river is about to meet her, phone ring, is not Jiang.
  "By no, I have to?"
  "I have lost, if not the same way, and the last"
  "Oh, the recent road, you pass through primary and secondary schools from the university side that can come to a"
  "Well, do not hang, I have to ask in front of two teachers." Angel clutching his cell phone to stand in front of two middle-aged women around, and hold the map the place to be, "I would like to ask the how to get this place? "
  "Do not know, do not know, we are also just arrived in" two women in a very impatient to see an angel do not refer to the map location of answered her, they continue to happily chat about topics of their own, the Angels also facing the mobile phone is very Lost say they do not know, but her shoulder was patted gently from behind, "Hey, I'm here"
  "How do you come to" "I see you are not familiar with the school on his own childhood through the years, oh" "I have to cry, just the two aunts and a good fierce" angel talking all the time in front of two little grievances for fear of being heard so it is whispered in the Du Lu. "Well, not sad, and I'll show you a place" "Where" "went to know the" angel went to a bike side, "you ride over the ah, just let me show you" "good" finished Angel will sit behind the river to ride a bike is very happy with a smile.
   They came to a waterfall edge, the water downstream from the mountains to come, the river to lock to the side, then an angel carrying a stone from the water side of marching to the other side of the walk, in the middle of the river as if from behind again when the Angel to his chest and hugged her, an angel of happiness to the imaginable.
   After a waterfall, river clinging to an angel up on the fly, they fly to a room decorated with the fog the room there is a transparent table, a big sofa, they sat on the sofa table, tasting the fruits of many kinds Jiang leaning against the sofa, the embrace of an angel lying on the river eating grapes, fog dotted around in their before and after the two had not stopped eating the fruit, woke up again!
  FOUR lost dream
   Very, very high inside the cave, into the hall was decorated like a luxury, Angel turned into a lake to see a very aggressive very eerie black lion, slowly approached her. Angel came to see him that she was moving forward step by step to leave, then he ran up and quickly ran up the angels, his run particularly fast, she also ran a very fast trying very hard to get ahead, he seemed to be to recover how on her but also fail to recover, she went to a high-a large portion of the stone before stopped, he did not catch up with her after they disappeared.
   Monument ago, she sat down, just sit down and she heard a voice of mountain, mountain, said: "Angel, I can kiss you?" Angel thought Hill was joking, puffing did not answer mountain, mountain really my face Minato over, an angel stood up and astonished, flew into the mountain also flew stood up, the Angels took a few steps from him, he came up a few steps. Angel turned and again ran up the mountain followed by hard chase, they turn around hundreds of stone circle, the last angel caught a thick lower half of the air holes Yueshen jump to another side of the mountain looked at Angel distant figure, one could also disappeared.
   Another hole in the side of the angels jumping over the place, just a bed space, surrounded by vines weaving house, an angel too tired to fall asleep quickly, but the wood turned into a snake climbing an angel sleeping a place where the angels have been bitten by a snake from a dream, woke up just to see a wood close to her has become a snake, wood angel bites when the dream has been awakened!
  FIVE Dream Concert
   Villages, an angel of the father and mother moved to the countryside, father of food fed to farmed crabs, mother washing clothes. Angel heard someone call her to see a concert, concert stage on the ride in the back of her house Malaysian road, vegetable plots jammed with stars who came to see.
  "Mom, I went to see concerts," Angel said as he ran out of the house
  "Every night I go again, and now too many people, unsafe at night I go."
  "I go now, I heard ZHAO Wei and Luo Zhongxu had come."
  "That's your attention to security," "good" angel energetically ran to the scene, Angel's mother after her loudly called her more careful.
   ZHAO Wei sang the first angel, Luo Zhongxu in Korean did not understand, as well as Wen Jun's to understand you, angel standing in the crowd heard someone talking about something, her gently by the past.
  One said "I heard that Jackie Chan, Louis Koo and several Hong Kong stars have come."
  Another said, "how did not see, not think so!"
  Another said, "Why lie to you, but they did not come to sing, sing with them the star of an up and take a look at the scenery here, as if what is wanted to make a large following."
  "That they are now Where is it?" Their voice is even smaller, and smaller angels can gather all of the power of precision will be able to hear their voice.
  "I have heard to the first residents moved in one go to eat crabs, right, I seem to hear my daughter talked about their family's daughter, named Angel."
  "Ha ha ha ----" angel voice almost laughed, but think of Jackie Chan, Louis Koo and several star in her house to eat crabs, and she's kind of like flying a moment excitement ran to the house red.
   Jackie Chan, every one of them pin down an elegant suitcase, is devour the eating crabs, Angel's father returned home early and kind of angel's mother kept busy with things to the guests here, one after another plate end-to fresh-baked much of the red color of cooked crab. Angel ran to the door of the playground can see their location on a stopped, and she could not believe the stars have gone to her house, and an angel walking to see Jackie Chan is very smooth after eating a crab stood up and in the inside a star with the pin down to the outside of the box went, passing around the time Angel will be left to her by a smile, "You really delicious crab house!"
   Angel of the father and mother walked blankly, but also not seen an angel of the father and mother and speak to her, but still pick up ground on the table crab shell and garbage, as if my father had a very strange whisper, "go to concert went to the bar! "
   Dream angels woke up in extreme regret.
  SIX Dream Tour
   Angels roam from China to the United States on the ground floor of a building lobby, hall outside the back and forth dozens of individuals, offices inside三三二二十something few people talk softly, angel standing on the window side of a newspaper very serious look at a newspaper on the news, one would be a voice for her head back, she also homeopathic used the phrase "Hello"!
  "How do you not afraid of him" an angel standing beside a man whispered in her ear little old man said one simple sentence.
  "Why should I fear that he was" a little baffling Angels
  "He is a President"
  "The president? Oh ----" angel heart was taken aback, but the voices or as a special quiet
  "Little girl, how did you come here, but the International Department of our building!" The president's voice is unlike any other feeling, dignity to coax big.
  "Oh, the President Hello, I often see you on television the newspaper, I heard that you are a special plain to see people the president, so I walked on we came to the." Angels do not know where to emerge from the words of the above , but the president has laughed, and he was behind a man and a woman the young man said, "so she and I ride a horse, you have to sit behind one." "But ---" the men hesitated, but did not what to say, just outside of the angels after the carriage while the president went, also with the woman behind him on the back of the carriage.
   They went to a very open sandy side of the president to follow him to a man and a woman waiting for him in the distance, he and an angel standing in the sand side of a hut house said a lot, but the angels did not remember anything, Her only sense of the harvest is especially magical. President of the account to follow him, to enable them to secure an angel sent back to China after a man driving fast on the left, an angel did not answer anyone mention any problems to her, with a share of mystery she returned to their country.
   Several days later, one of the largest in China saw an angel sitting inside the theater inside the president, he is, and the back of a lady to speak. Saw an angel standing in the doorway, when the president stood up and walked to her brought her to his luxury mobile car brought over. Ate a very hearty meal after dinner, angel became a beggar.
  Dream SEVEN beggars
   The street, a large square edges, the Angels and her together with several of my colleagues, but her colleagues are very big pot with the soup at dinner. Angel walked past, asked her colleagues, "Can I drink your soup, I seem a little hungry?" "Ah you can not buy." Angel colleague while soup while the soup fell on the road, tone hundred percent of their contempt. Tom lost along the direction of, the Angels saw wood.
  "Angel, how can you here, you have to find you."
  "What is it ah, I am Hao E, I have not eaten in three days."
  "No bar, how do you become what it was now mother of your father?"
  "I do not know what they gone?"
  "That's your boyfriend a" "do not know" "Do you know what ah?"
  "I only know that I Hao E,好想something to eat ----" angel halo Otherwise, hungry, and dream of a complete end!
   Dreams do seven more than the task of a ghost story with a dream, back to the clouds in, and left the same time, the dream prince and the seeds of a dream long in the original place to wait for his return.
  "Master, I brought seven dream back, I do not know why the seventh dream angel be so miserable."
  "Do you want more than I thought good, and this dream, I'll just six 7"
  Then the seventh Delete it! "Ghost on the happy thought of angels do not have to suffer again.
   "Then I ask you a question, your answers will determine I delete that dream."
  "What's the problem?"
  "If you are an angel husband's profile, you would like to get her hands of another person or from the poor to save her life."
  "I do not want others to compete for something, but if I love a girl I might have, but better let me in full possession of my favorites, so I opt for the latter."
  "So good, I deleted the dream of three in the story, waiting for you to become human and be sure to go to the No angels have been hungry, she was in distress -"
  "But how to change my destiny to become human."
  "Do not worry, listen to me slowly said." Clouds dream prince sat down, the ghost has also sat on the other cloud, "you go to the world's tallest building at the bottom of the floor inside a room inside the smallest. Inside look one of the largest cabinet, cabinets inside a small package, the package inside a key, you put the key on the world's deepest ocean, you can go to find your angel and your angel on the beach recently a park, wood, river, lake, mountain, are accompanied her, but they do not know she was nothing, you have a set of villas around the park in that car a lot of passbook. You will get married, but you Nayue Chi's When will prevent you from experiencing a similar, if fails, you and your angel will have lost their lives, so Do not cry, should not have - "
  "I know, thank you Prince, I am confident. Not for me for an angel, I can only allow themselves to succeed, not fail!!"
   With full confidence in the ghost came to earth again, maybe they never will stay in the human world, and dreams of princes and the seeds of dreams were all close their eyes in silence for the ghost fly away gently prayed.
   The highest building, the deepest of the sea have gone into the ghost of sight, while an angel figure also entered in his sight. Ghost sweet smiled then flew near the building to the top of the time, the whole building circuit flicker, followed closely by 56 individuals plus an invisible man ran fast to the top of the building. Invisible people have felt ghosts, he was the first thought to the bottom, then the rest of the people with the rapid Youxiang ran downstairs. Get the keys when the invisible ghost who just opened the door, invisible people can not see ghosts, ghosts and other invisible people when entering into the inside of his side door. Out of the moment, he shed tears. Separated glasses, invisible people are still aware of his presence, then recover to Kuaibu Xiang door and saw the door heading towards the building of a taxi which had just come out three or four political personnel, and the specter of a very rapidly into a closed door, Unit has been activated. "Where I go, sir?"
   About a 2-year-old wearing a very neat clothing, face a very handsome man asked him.
  "Can you see me?" Ghost no one was looking at the car sitting, but he was a calm tone, the boy was surprised, "You are not afraid?"
  "You're in tears, sir," men and surprisingly calm, "I am an invisible man in the driver, so you count lucky hit me."
  "Drivers? That he has to tell you that I do it?"
  "No, it was six months ago, and with him a few people told me that sitting in this position you have invisible people, I was scared, and later a long time to get used to. He said that he also heard some of the same inexplicable tears, once you can see the tears of his face, he also referred to a pair of glasses thing, but still be able to see the Phantom, so just you up off the door and your tears let me know you. "
  "Oh, go to the sea." Ghost relieved.
   "How do you not fly in the past?" Drivers seem to speak the same kind of ease with his own
  "There's no difference anyway, not very far." Ghost talk time, the driver received a phone call.
  "I'm sorry, sir, I am invisible package owners who let me go back, he said that just seen my car, brings a strange shut."
  "Well, thank you mankind" under the specter of the car quickly flew to the sea, and this driver is the dream of the prince in disguise.
   Ghost into an elegant gentleman, 32 years old, has a luxury villa, an expensive car, money and countless beautiful angel companionship, the two difference six years old, meet in the park love at first sight, a week after marriage.
   A year later, a gentleman became a businessman, angels have become a writer, who gave birth to three children and live most happily the sweetest of human life! Prince of dreams collected from the earth to Invisible Man to open small box house and taken to the air the seeds of dreams are in the hands -----
   备注:在这片纯净的心空中,因为有你而让天空里这份空气充满异常的自由团结低调可爱幸福和谐和快乐!In this clanning heart sky,because of you and let this air in the sky full such free ,happiness,lovely and very well---
  my heart sky


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