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作者: 林月偷窥 收藏:0 回复:1 点击:2507 发表时间: 2009.02.14 21:35:20


   The eloquence between Pedant and northwest wind
  Pedant: the desolate and isolated plain and mountain of bald plateau,
  Hundreds of millions had to extract and unearth and search
  Not hardly imaging the lives full of winding and perilous,
  The pond for fishing and reed for amusing and soil for tillage,
  The harvest accepted influence then the lacking income for weeping,
  Beautiful girl and handsome boy and perfect family with little baby,
  All these jolly bliss can be seen everywhere like other place,
  Pay the money for whoring night; pay the money for licking Eros; pay the money for your responsibility;
  With pity, ambitions,toleration,insipidity, duty you must serve for,
  In the night sleep no well, the mind of introspective spell inside hasten.
  Northwest wind:
  Winter come and go, year by year, I wander here and there, I can see you couldn’t see. Let’s tell you. You mustn’t think me as a good manner man, yet not a fiend or a hero, I am I. this is the point I am better than you. I am never death creature but my languages you couldn’t see. You maybe fell my existence with you, you silly statures and two blind circles and deaf ears pursued the beautiful girl you considered, the girl you know is a bit poor, the soft and warm skin you would not supply sufficiently, I whimpered to you, not hope you happy or better, but the only reason is you should not be better, avoiding a more brilliant tragedy ended or a more disgraced struggle would never performed, These the latter you performed to me, yet some mock but mixed with some irritated constituent. then I am dolling man licking somebody's boots,a real beautiful girl, a real fiend, there I can see almost thing, under the dark, even the sunlight, the rich is always equal to the intrigues; Fine thing when suffered trample abruptly turned into a voluptuous moving and absolute gorgeous attire. Inside empty and outside pliant, no having any esteem, these were more the strength then more the power, more the activity then more the chances, but the power and strength never equal to be fine. The creatures living inside the world should service the creator, like the Orion’s drizzle, erupted splendid brilliance then extinguished, accompanied with spectacular symphonic music. You could choice avoiding, but more self-abased, some self-clever guile even performed games to the world, the penalty mention casually, more enjoyment was proceeding, I warm the surrounding feeling, made the trees and leaves of flowers more green.
  Pedant: round, be so natural grace, whirling you make lukewarm attitude then closely to be ardent,
  Without a trace and invisible, the truth you always eclipse and shield and know so much.
  Like the spirits and wraith for the reality which you like to enclose then expose with scream,
  Encourage expedition for the dangers, horrified, thrilling never distinct yet sometimes allude of me,
  From the hue and melancholy you present, which maybe your capture conjure some as incantations.
  Much weight two side, then middle was so slender clue like the virgin’s sensation conjoined,
  And so hardly the labors cudgel their brains with the best doing,
  Empty of their energy, and the disappointed end with a fleeting illusion.
  Go continually to face the blank, twisting, wasted time, and gloom unexpected,
  And do with the exhausting, and daily life, warning with every sort,
  And defined by the wisdom man like you or others who take loophole to invade in,
  And told me more than one gossiped, but so many cloud need to sweep,
  Up the pink clouds twinkling, our outlook opened,
  And the purple rocks dimmed the reflection flowing,
  Then, all already would have been changed.
  Northwest wind:
  Your similar eloquence hardly compared with unparalleled authority,
  Only infertile and weakness you can expressed.
  When the time rising, luster covered, all happy in light,
  Everyone innermost heart heightened towering admiration,
  So bright!
  As all be loved, the trees, grass, gazelles, ferocious beast, and human,
  Moaning and mourning, reciting and chanting,
  All united thoughts and contributions are, beloved.
  And counsel with vigor more, played with more discretion,
  More evil then more glorious, like your inner world.
  From the heaven fallen, so much rage of my performance proved,
  My blots out the sky cover up the earth with divine thunder:
  And till then who commit crime?
  Faced the force of the heaven, don’t you dire with your arms?
  Can you be opposite side?
  Truth is not like your imagination.
  The creatures even suffered, inflicted by raping and deflower,
  Weeping with their destined fearing poverty,
  As the meek animals lost their feather luster,
  So repented from striking, so hearty pray for heaven pardon,
  So severe the pardon please open,
  More and more bleak atmosphere penetrated their thin skin,
  Fierce massacre spread from north,
  Let extorted and bullied things to bow and sue for grace, Chilly then die.
  These downfalls come by fate, by the strength of heaven,
  So ignominy and shamed fate,
  The weeping twigs shake and rock,
  It is the intrigue triumphs, and all creatures lost their future suffered.
  My realm, my coming, please who can see?
  Who insidious then happy, try to happy then melancholia.
  Irreconcilable to the grand foe, whose power matched with their envied feud disregarded me.
  Pedant: so as your erudite and versatile that my draught abruptly became so colorful sight, the roaring of the working machine infused so many technologies that I so far couldn’t grasp the spirits. The vessels cruising inside the ocean had to struggle against the monstrous surge, go forward with the growing wave, so as not to hear the messages of weather forecast. The goshawk looked so awkward that similar clumsy bird didn’t know a great deity was glad to provide special services floating a lowly inconsiderable creature to fly so high, because a little winged insect patted lightly the cirrus of once cynical demon, so swiftly left presented then right whirled, the fallen petals more hardly knew the last persistence actually stirred the tender care of analogous emotion like nymph, dancing so sentimental, delicate and pretty.
  During my poor more than twenty years learning, so agile notified that I would be painful to waste my youthful time, would be turn back to meet your reception of long time waiting. So much exultation, local resident sovereign’s attendant, asked obedient failure of mine, difficult to mend the loss of my honest tribulation by my sole asperity and obligation. So far as the much nights no sleeps, violent storms screaming, encumbered with your help without knowing the pneumatic theories, and the foreign languages, even your providence, no regarded your maintaining, so little encouraged attendance. In which I acquainted well with the attitude you’re indifferent when I couldn’t know your modestly envied salute to the enchantment of your lily.
  Northwest wind:
  In whole province named Mongolia the white birches were thickly dotted,
  A serene scene the sunlight loved to shine,
  Today desert limitless imbued with savage’s wailing for his demon lover,
  Occasionally some green lands grew a little of poplar,
  Meandering the rills so sinuous river course recollected ancient story,
  About ambitions, about the persecution, about the conquer and revenge:
  With the golden spears and armored horses and towers girdled round,
  And where the sacred altar burned serenity of occasion waited millions,
  A grandeur of the throne step by step aloud a deafening voice with:
  Like leather whip roll up the all of the world.
  His posterities have already taken roots all over the places,
  Where birches also elms even coconut trees thickly dotted,
  On the marble dome of kiosks the dulcimers played, also have china lute,
  Their symphony and song so loud and long recited the common lyrics:
  About ambitions, about the persecution, about to conquer and revenge,
  Their ancestral voice prophesy the future that the world would be full,
  The ancestral lines should be created, by their saber, by their whip,
  The former land have been stately decorated with caves, chasm,
  There sands and desert only the specters and wolfs liked to haunt,
  Would breed his last inferior descendants, with weeping, with hoof.
  Screaming your spring breeze blown as a horn,
  That swept throughout the heaven and globe,
  When in my eyes all over was your demeanour of spread.
  This time, you are golden errand,
  Beside the Jade Emperor, beneath the cloud,
  You Boast and tear about your tread.
  Endless as the energy of the multifunction that exert,
  And give free play to the yellow land,
  Your broken tone declare in the dirt lines,
  Waving sorts of banner to stretch on the sharp- height,
  According your plan of necessitate,
  Unlimited will I be at some bite,
  Please you congratulate the triumph in the spring fountainhead.
  The sun is enigmatic beside your glimmer,
  But his stratagem out of our measure with selfish,
  If we have hope or refuse,
  In such the descent need our paid,
  With waiting and curious complain but many would plead,
  What wealth you blow with that had the mixture interweaved.
  Then to wait, when your work in your state,
  In your contemplation or in your changed mood,
  Could be the serious dry soil you brought,
  Which is your bliss under the pilot of punishment,
  And then your rainwater would infuse the river and stream,
  And drink the creatures how long had thirsted for you glad.
  Northwest wind:
  Explain, explain, what realm my face who can see,
  When you burn your dinner to eat or flute your air-regulator to taste,
  Flame the coal had fever continuously producing the electric.
  Sparkle to shine night sky, calm the sea, symphonic with orchestra,
  When you relaxed bosom, formed your oral formats then my free,
  Who in the night without end spout out many prate.
  There the seeds, where they facile, what struggle they search their trace,
  Each like an impressive dancing whore,
  To pander with Azure sex of spring when I would be fascinated.
  Your dream, your yearned for, your waste time I should recompense,
  Loose my word like an earth responsibility out my mouth to shed,
  Shook you from the tangled thought about the heaven and ocean.
  Of the first, yet the second importance, I can warmly tell you-I underfed,
  Of the second yet the first key, I had to moderate, I can clearly dispread,
  The cruel analysis of my storm and bewail, the last cause is I envy.
  Of the ancient years, even from the dim edge, the first fountain origin,
  Of the earth horizon sun set to the place,
  My vapor with my might wrap around the dome of highland,
  Of the optimistic time, a black, fired, unimaginable thing happened:
  The kindred of my endeavor slaughter his parents three times, succeed.
  Lulled by the weep stains of his ninety-nine brothers, later all be killed.
  During the quivering and intense days more and more vileness bred,
  The souls my swallow are so many loaded, as many rotten corral,
  Would you choice the lamb tender then musical or the stubborn pork,
  Would you choice the way mingled with scoundrels, must be the most,
  My organs need balance, my fierce temper cause, and my forced moan,
  With their thirst after plump and bloody lapping, I scream I have bleed.
  When the produced speed of rats is more than grains, it need to moderate,
  When their behavior is abnormal, indulge them, also called as moderate,
  As his parent, by the partial tradition, love them better than punishment,
  To loose them to kindle the forest is better than flaming the earth later,
  A bit of lust, rape other province’s chaste girls better than his sister,
  Though in my control areas there were many times happened, even more,
  In tribes, mother in turn married her sons; the first certainly is their father,
  It is necessary to moderate, quickly as possible, is so hussy, shameful.
  My important means of moderating is to give vent of my hatred and envy,
  No other reasons but you are other province descendants,
  I envy you have gravitation that root you on the earth so steely,
  Better you became the mocked object than you pretend into our troop,
  Better our laugh at you than our evil exert upon ours,
  Better your beautiful bliss upon us than washed away to other places,
  Rather I changed my form into beautiful girl to campaign with you,
  Than induce my bosom filled with envied fury, I hate you.
  How desired I want you beat me, how weakness you couldn’t,
  I sent my breeds to overseas and take message with my south brother,
  My best false reputation and most licked lover sent to you, be welcome,
  But you triumph over me, depart from me, I will tell them to heat you,
  Miserable, more hollowed I give my heart, not my wish that swallow you.
  Then we go, my friends, go up to the top of hill,
  Though our position no high, we will enough protect our life repute,
  So as we do, fight for the world confusing,
  Our best to know what is distingue,
  And go down; fight to help the fallen people,
  They were once in dilemma, we couldn’t get off our hands to help.
  Day by day, back lean on your back, the world is weaved by your paid,
  And your sword exchanged your sinew labor, answer,
  Why we would give our harvest to the beggar,
  No other reason to explain but the world is ours but not the envy.
  Don’t turn back for your inner complain,
  Let go up to the top of the height,
  Look down your eyes, though the tricks prevail, our hears was hurt,
  Yet, stretch your hands to help, which our arms struggle is,
  For the place, for the world, which would be structured with ours.
  Let go to the steep of the cliff,
  Where nothing, but the rocks disorderly lay,
  Which we hear is the sweep of chill and thrill,
  There, warm with our courage, pleas suck a bit of wine,
  Don’t lost faith, to embody your existence right,
  Dash down our cup of enthusiastic wine and then go to fight.
  We will raise our enormous trumpet to declare: down sign, northwest wind,
  We are victory, where are our friends?


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回复人: 梧澧 Re:学究与西北风的交谈 回复时间: 2009.02.15 11:05


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