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写作者:cindy_510     日记本: 天天好心情

日期:2007年09月21日  星期  




  2006-9-15 23:05:32
  这几天上第三单元Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes。
  今天上到课文下的小对话what school rules do you think should be changed时,我让同学们先分组讨论了一下,罗列出他们觉得应该改变的学校规则。之后学生代表上台各抒己见,有说"We should be allowed to go out of the school,because we want to see the world outside."因为我们学校初中部属寄宿制的,所以我只能回答"Good, you have a good suggestion.But I'm afraid that this rule can't be changed now. Because our school is a special one. "又有学生说"We should be allowed to play basketball every day, because doing sport is good for our health."说实话,这的确并不是坏主张。但我还是说"oh,well. I really agree with you. Doing sports is very important. But maybe study is more important than sports at present. However, I think playing basketball three or four times a week now is OK for you.Do you think so?"然后又一学生说"We should be allowed to go to bed early and get up late."这无疑更是合理的建议。于是我说"Yes, I agree,and I'll try my best to tell the principle about your idea."停顿了一下,我又补充说"Do you know all the students like you are doing the same things as you ?They also get up early and go to bed late. If you use less time to study, what will happen?"听到我的话,学生只能用叹息来进行最后的回应。
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   评论列表 (共2条)
   wuzhiwen 于 2006-9-16 20:35:30 认为:
  Excellent teacher and active students.It's nice reading your articles.
   oxtigers 于 2006-9-16 11:22:45 认为:
  看得出你是个不错的、教学经验丰富的老师,希望能与你交流下。我现在还在上:I used to be afraid of the dark. 好慢啊。初一、初二的这套教材我没上过就直接上初三,对以前学过什么不大清楚,觉得unit 3的被动需要导入课,先行了解下被动的用法。不知你做法如何?

完成时间:2007.09.21 23:08:29

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