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practice makes perfect

写作者:cindy_510     日记本: 天天好心情

日期:2007年08月08日  星期  




  The sonata my son is playing is difficult. At the beginning of July, his uncle taught it to him. Then he's practised it till now. We'll go to Beijing the day after tomorrow, and this piece is the one he'll play in the competition.
  In fact, my son practised the piano only one hour a day in July. He spent most of his time playing basketball and computer games except his homework. After I finished my training class, I started to make him practise the piano two hours. I told him to change it to the piece that he played in the competition in our province if he can't play it very smoothly. Hearing this, he started to play it again and again. Just a few minutes ago, he told me that he had found a little confidence. Because just in the morning, he was very worried and depressed.
  I think it would be better if he practised more and more from the beginning. However, I cannot say something bad to him now. I can only say do your best and you will do a good job.
  I hope our journy to Beijing is great to him and to us.

完成时间:2007.08.08 15:53:12

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