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What's the matter?

写作者:cindy_510     日记本: 天天好心情

日期:2007年07月15日  星期  




  What's the matter with myself? I don't know. I just feel bad. I want to close my eyes but I still sit at the table. I think I should rest more because I have so many things to do. But...but...
  I thought I would be pleased because I had more and more students in my own training class. In my class, I can smile to every student but back home I don't want to say a word. To my son and to my husband, I lose temper more and more. Sometimes after my bad temper, I will be very sorry.
  I think I can't lose a lot at home while I get some. I look forward to the end of my training and I look forward to going on vacation very soon.
  I need to release my heart.

完成时间:2007.07.15 22:52:13

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